Friday, October 24, 2014

The Truth About Vaccines

I want the best for my four month old baby daughter.  I know what she needs because natural fatherly instincts come to my heart and tell me if she is in danger or if she is happy or sad.  We have a special connection.  Therefore it really irritates me when scientific doctors come to me and claim that they have cures for diseases that I've never even heard of.  I have made a few know facts that I created about "The Truth About Vaccines."

1.  How can you cure a disease that you don't even have yet!

How would you feel if somebody came up to you and said "Congratulations! You bowled a perfect game!"  Then they present you with a trophy.  The thing is, you haven't even bowled in years!  It's ridiculous.  That's what fortune teller doctors are doing all across the nation with their wild presumptions of diseases that people may or may not get.  It's best to wait until you are actually sick to get the cure from a real doctor or from natural medicine that comes from nature (which is what I prefer).  

2.  Do your research and you'll find out the truth about these made up diseases!

When I took my baby in for her two month appointment the doctor was talking about a vaccine that cured her from a disease that she didn't have called polio.  Luckily, I had done my research.  Wikipedia describes the disease "Poliomyelitis /pliməltɪs/, often called polio or infantile paralysis, is an acuteviralinfectious disease spread from person to person, primarily via the fecal-oral route."  I then googled the words "fecal" and "oral."  I saw pictures or poop, butts and pornographic images.  It was at that point that I knew this vaccine was wrong and I didn't want my daughter taking part in such a filthy procedure.

3.  New data says your child will be better without vaccines.

Let's think about some of the best people throughout history.  Donald Sutherland, Alan Alda, Frida Kahlo and President Roosevelt.  Did these people take vaccines?  No they did not and they accomplished so much.  Kids that don't take vaccines are likely to succeed and typically score higher in math, reading, art, and verbs.  They run faster and can even jump higher.  A study was done where non-vaccinated children were shown to jump .23 inches higher then vaccinated children.  On the other hand vaccinated children seem to be attracted to innapropriate things like blood and knives.  They score 12% higher on knives and blood than 43% of the study done over the last ten years.

4.  Alternatives to vaccines: Safe and better.

Let's look to nature.  Dirt, for instance has many helpful vitamins and nutriets.  With just one spoonful of dirt is equal to eating 59 bowls of multivitamins.  Leaves from many ancient tribes can be used to heal sicknesses.  Simply boil the leaves in some water and a nature tea is made that can cure many diseases.  That's a fact.  You will find that your backyard has most of the natural things you need to help your child.  Sometimes it may be best to leave your child in the backyard and let nature run it's course.
My non-vaccinated daughter

In conclusion, whether you want to vaccinate or not.  It's a personal choice.  It's unfortunate that most parents are making the wrong choice.

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Hey dads, let's talk about breasts...

Hey dads let's talk about breasts.  Now that I have your attention let's talk about breastfeeding in honor of World Breastfeeding Week.

I remember before my daughter was born four weeks ago I thought that the idea seemed a little strange.  I thought that if I was happy with milk from cow that baby could be happy with milk from cow.  Boy was I wrong.  It turns out that baby's need milk from the human mother.   When my daughter was born and googling "breastfeeding" I came to realize how important it is that moms breastfeed babies young and old.  Also, they need to spread the word to other moms that may not know or think that it is possible to do.   Here are a few important things to consider about this very important topic.

1.  Spread the word on social media.

Probably the most important thing you can do is spread the word.  You know what says a thousand words?  That's right.  Pictures.  Facebook, twitter, myspace, zanga are just a few of the social media outlets where mothers can post pictures of themselves breastfeeding.  As dads, we can offer to take the pictures from different angles or use the new GoPro cameras that have a wide lens and shoot HD pictures.   Facebook may try to flag your breastfeeding but don't get discouraged.  Post some new pictures daily.  They will get tired of it and eventually let it slide. It's amazing how many women don't know about breastfeeding because coporations have twisted us into thinking that powder is milk.   Which brings me to my next point.

2. Formula: A formula for disaster

When was the last time you mopped your floor with powder?  That's right never.  So why are we putting chemical powder into our babies and expecting them to be healthy.  Breast milk from breasts come directly from the breast into the mouth of baby.  Whereas formula from China has been handled by who knows what.  Breastmilk has natural vitamins and mineral oils that sooth the babies skin and body parts and make a healthy, happy baby.   Babies that are fed on breastmilk are more likely to be CEOs, astronauts, doctors, and lawyers. On the other hand, formula fed babies turn out to be factory workers, garbage men or women, or railroad workers.  Blue collar babies drink formula.  Give your baby a head start. 

3.  "Thou Shalt Breastfeed" - The Bible

Religion can be a touchy subject.  In the Bible on several verses that would take too long to reference it refers to children suckling breasts of mothers.  Are we not to follow the example of the Bible?  I come from a Christian home and my baby will be raised to be a good, law biding baby.  

4.  How can Dad's help?

Dads cannot breastfeed.  That is a scientific fact.  So shall we stand idolly by?  No sirs.  There are many things that we can do to help.  I am a banjo enthusiast.  Science says that baby's minds are running wild when they are suckling.  This is when I know that I should crank up the bluegrass music.  The baby will obsorb whatever goes on around her.  This is called neuroplasticity.  It feels like games, but it's really working out the baby's brain.  Try stimulating the baby's brain with something benefitial like music, numbers or art while they are breastfeeding.  

Dad's can also engage in what is called "skin to skin" feeding or "kangaroo" feeding.  As your wife is breastfeeding you can also become shirtless and press yourself up to the baby and mother.  Science says that kangaroo feeding is beneficial when the mother feeds.  Just imagine how great your baby will feel when she gets skin from father and mother as she feeds off the liquid gold.  Many fathers (myself included) may need to shave parts or all of their body to maximize the skin to skin and not skin to hair portions.  Be careful and shave often, stubble can be detrimental to the baby.

Baby that has been fed breastmilk from BOTH breasts
Notice how the baby is happy and not sad or crying.
Here is a formula baby.  The powder has left the baby sad and
her skin has a grayish tone.

Thursday, July 31, 2014

They told me not to shake my baby. I'm glad I didn't listen...

Three weeks ago yesterday my beautiful daughter was born on earth to us as parents.  We are so blessed.  In the OR (operating room)  I remember thinking to myself, "There are enough blogs for moms!  Its time for a dad blog."  That's when I decided to start my own blog giving advice on how to be a good dad, husband and lover to your wife.

Let's talk babies for a second.  Many people don't realize that babies are not really hard to take care of.  When they cry they need 1 of 3 things.  To be fed, they need a change, or they need to be swaddled.  Peace of cake.   Let's go into some details here:

1.  To feed or not to feed?  That is the question...

We all get hungry.  That's a fact of life.  It's not any different for babies.  They get hungry to, but the only thing is that they can't speak words to tell us.  So how do they do it?  They cry!  You can choose to feed them when they cry.  I prefer breastfeeding and I won't have it any other way (I will go into breasfeeding in a future blogs).  Let's just say for now that you need to breastfeed straight from the nipple without using a guard or ESPECIALLY pumps.  As a dad it's important to feed the baby EVERYDAY and make sure that you take your shirt off and maintain skin to skin contact.

2.  How would you like to have poop or pee in your pants?

Sometimes baby poop.  The poop isn't always what it seems.  I was startled to find a black tar poop the first time I changed Cora's (my babies name)  diaper.  It took several wipes.  Don't worry, after a little bit of time the poops change color.  It's important to change a diaper everyday to help your wife.
3.  Swaddles

A swaddle makes a baby feel comfortable like he's back in the womb.  Be sure to only use organic cotton swaddles that are good for the environment and the baby's skin.  Some swaddles are made from harmful animals from nature and these should be avoided at all cost and may result in your baby having bad dreams and waking up through the night.  Making a swaddle too tight can make the baby hurt, but making it too loose can be bad too.  You need to make it right in the middle.

Obviously, shaking your baby can be detrimental.  However, when you bring a life into this world, things are bound to get a little shaken up.  But don't worry, it gets easier dads.